sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Happy Progressive Thanksgiving, Comrades!

Um comentário:

  1. Black Sheep says:

    Yesterday I gave thanks for being able to give thanks and I thanked me very much. Thank me, thank me, oh thank me so much. Yes, I'm welcome.

    Also yesterday some delivery service left a bouquet of flowers and a $100 gift card on my front porch. The day before, an item I bought on ebay arrived and it turned to be totally misrepresented junk. I contacted the seller and told him to make it right, so he refunded my money and that should have been the end of it. But nooooo. You guessed it, the flowers and gift card were from him.

    So I'm also thankful for maniacs with too much emotion and no common sense. Maybe you should try doing this. The flowers are really pretty nice. :-)


Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Nada a declarar. Nem mesmo os meus bilhões na Suíça. Punk. Ateu. Agnóstico. Filósofo. Comediante. Anarquista. Niilista. Iconoclasta. Furioso. Pró-Natureza. Pró-América. Pró-Israel. Conservador. Misantropo. Odeia todas as religiões. Odeia todos os totalitarismos (islamismo, comunismo, nazismo, catolicismo). Odeia TODA a incultura pervertida do Brasil. Fã de Marcelo Nova, Johnny Rotten, Voltaire, Diogo Mainardi e Olavo de Carvalho. Ama assistir filmes de ação e o verdadeiro Rock n Roll.
